I have had the pleasure of working with Chris on a weekly basis for the past nine months. Chris is so caring, gentle and kind. I felt very comfortable talking to her about anything. She is so talented on her Shaman work which helped me with healing. Her intuitive guidance and counseling has been a major key in transforming my life and attracting so many positive changes in a very short amount of time. Thank you so much Chris!!!
~ Erika Lewis
One of the best things in my life has been meeting Chris. We met at a low point in my life, honestly my lowest point. In the short time since meeting Chris, I have been given another chance of finding peace within and being happy again. The purest support she has given me has been amazing in my journey. I am able to take the tools she's given me and work on loving myself, but also accepting the fact I do deserve to be happy.
Thank-you Chris. ~ Tammy B.
I've known Chris for many years and she is a gifted healer! You cannot miss by meeting her and letting her do that magic!!! ~ Karen Johnson, Shamanic healer/teacher
Learning to journey has impacted my life to be able to seek / find some answers and get help to my questions, life and choices and decisions. It has made me stronger, helped me to find myself and aided me on my life’s path. It has helped me to help others on their paths.
The Shaman class assisted me in becoming my true self, realization of who I am where I come from and how to heal myself. Now I can also help and assist others. Many shifts have occurred and without this and other tools in my toolbox, I would not have been able to understand and learn or grow from those shifts. Those shifts have shaped my life. With the shifts came both good and bad, but without the Shaman class, I would be in a different place. I needed this in my life to heal me. It has made me stronger in mind, body and spirit, for what did, has and will come to my life. This class I believe has also helped me heal my past, present and future, as well as my family friends and ancestors and DNA cells. It has made me more clear, closer to nature, and animals. It has aided me in all areas of life and assisted me in dealing with death, and my professions. It has sharpened my toolbox of healing and health. Given me balance.
Chris and Kevin as teachers, were wonderful! Simply the best to learn from and genuine “ salt of the earth people “. Chris has such a calm, loving, mother like personality. She is so intuitive, healing and is in tune with animals and nature. She has a way of teaching that helps to relax, learn and create. She is also a positive energy a force of love and light with healing energy, for mind body and spirit. A “gentle soul sister”. ❤️ ~ Kristin Eggleston
Since completing the Shaman apprenticeship program, I have a new found ability to live life on life’s terms, the ability to help energetically where I can and let go of the rest. As I faced myself and discovered how much self will and control had become a part of how I navigated this life, I was given the tools and humility to learn a new way, and actually discovered that by letting go of control I became empowered! Sounds paradoxical, right? But it’s SO true. Journeying daily helps to keep me right-sized and know my place and provides protection and guidance to navigate my day. Chris’s gentle prodding and encouragement was truly a gift to my process, as well as her trustworthiness and ability to provide a safe space as things unfolded for me. I am so blessed to have her presence as I continue on living life on life’s terms and embracing my gifts.
Peace, love and harmony~ Deb Deboer
Learning to journey has been a significant advantage to my spiritual growth. I have learned to help healing within myself and on a global level. I have found with my journeys, I have the ability to acquire more knowledge and power to answer questions or promote healing. After completion of the Shaman apprenticeship program, I found I had a much more peaceful spirit. I had learned so much about myself and the power I possess, that others have taken notice of the change within me. I have a better understanding of the truth of my life and a better understanding on how to make effective changes for my well being. I loved learning on how to join other Shaman's and heal on a global level. Chris was one of the best instructors I have had in the course of my lifetime. She provides an excellent sacred space in which to learn and practice. I have not only gained a teacher but a friend as well when it was time for us to be together. ~ Winfrey
I found hypnotherapy to be especially helpful, as I was able to get important insights that I might not have gotten in any other way. Chris was very skilled at guiding me through the hypnosis process, knew instinctively how and when to proceed as it pertained to me personally. Overall, it helped me and I would recommend it! ~ Lisa
My experience with hypnosis was definite positive. Chris made me feel comfortable and it was very relaxing. She is Wonderful. ~ Karmen
Chris has helped me with many different things with her hypnotherapy. I had surgery on my knee and before the surgery we had a session and she changed my thought patterns for a speedy recovery. My surgery was on a Monday and I went back to work on Friday. She has also helped me with anger issues and a way to not hold it in and have a release mechanism. She has also helped me with weight los, since my surgery I have lost 15 lbs.
~ Keven